Our main weekly gathering, where all the TLC family come together to worship God, celebrate Jesus and to encourage one another, normally takes place on a Sunday morning.

We currently have three styles of meeting (so check the Calendar)…

Sunday Morning Service

Most Sundays we meet at 10:30am at The Old Schoolhouse. It is a meeting designed to engage and inspire people of all ages, a relaxed atmosphere were you can connect and chat freely. The service generally consists of songs, prayer, a short (sometimes interactive) talk, and refreshments.

Children up to the age of 12 go out most weeks for their own time of teaching and connecting. Youth 13+ stay in for the entire service.

Evening Worship Service

Once a month we meet on Sunday evenings instead, starting at 7:00pm. This is usually the first Sunday of the month.

The Worship Service is an extended time of reflection and worship where you can come and meet with God as well as with one another. Allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us we endeavour to facilitate an environment where people can meet with Jesus; a place to read the Word and pray for one another; a place to encourage each other through prophetic words.

Brunch Sundays

Once a month we meet on a Sunday morning to eat together, either at a local restaurant or at The Old Schoolhouse. This is often the third Sunday of the month.

Check the calendar for what is happening this week.